On Saturday, August 14th, 2021, at 7:26 A.M. Dr. Ralph Hogges of the Ralph Hogges, Benjamin Cowins, Sr. and Dr. Delores Smiley South Florida Writer’s Group, presented to the fellow group members “Challenge #2: Create Your Online Bookstore.” Dr. Ralph said, “To create an Online Bookstore provides writers and authors of color the opportunity to become more self-reliant and economically independent. He further stated, “Ownership is Power and Partnerships provide the Powerful Equalizing Enablers of Successful Entrepreneurs of Color.”
Rosemarie Cole, a wife, mother, grandmother and self-published author of The Playground Bully and A Call to Repentance. She enjoys reading, dancing and watching a good movie. Rosemarie says, “Membership with the writer’s group offers opportunities to sharpen her writing skills and showcase her literary works at numerous events. Regarding the challenge, she further expressed, “I read and seriously thought about it prior to sending Dr. Ralph an email. I voiced my interest of not wanting ten years from now, to regret not being a part of this venture.” Dr. Ralph’s response to me was, “You are the first member to respond to the challenge.” Rosemarie indicated “I was surprised, relentless and accepted the challenge.” Afterwards Dr. Ralph sent a second email to challenge more members to partner with Rosemarie.
It was at that time I, Arnetha Thomas, decided not to miss this second opportunity to partner with other authors and women of color. Subsequently sending Dr. Ralph an email accepting the challenge and he referred me to Rosemarie. Similar to Rosemarie, I am a mother, grandmother, semi-retired Social Worker and self-published author to include Sometimes Here, There and Everywhere children’s storybook and Workbook, Get Through, Going Through-Life Christian book published by Page Publishing, Power of the Blood at Work-Broken Veil and Beautiful as a Butterfly. I desire to become more self-reliant and economically independent.
Hence Rosemarie and I began the search for one more partner. More members were interested, however due to prior obligations unable to join the partnership. Resulting to a search for a like-minded and spirit-filled female partner among our sphere of friends and acquaintances. Therefore Rosemarie reached out to Carla Bennett, a wife, mother of three children, author of Strayed: My Journey Back Part 1 and Strayed: My Journey Continues Part 2. Hosted by Carla “Real Stray Talk” weekly Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple and other applications! Carla recently launched Strayed Productions LLC, a passionate playwriter, director and recent Writer’s Group Member that eagerly accepted the partnership challenge. Rosemarie submitted Carla’s name to Dr. Ralph. Thus we humbly present to you our partnership team consisting of Rosemarie Cole, Arnetha Thomas and Carla Bennett.
Our first order of business was to establish a name for the online bookstore. Rosemarie, Arnetha and Carla met officially and unofficially. During these meetings different names were tossed around. Finally, it was Carla’s brilliancy to use the first two letters of each partners’ last name to create the business name COBETH ONLINE BOOKSTORE LLC. Carla then completed the business name search on the Florida Department of Corporations (Sunbiz.org) and the COBETH name was available. On 12/7/2021, in behalf of the COBETH TEAM, Arnetha filed COBETH ONLINE BOOKSTORE, LLC with the Florida Department of Corporations. The effective date of 1/1/2022, our business Birthday.